#jobtheycallparenting, #quintessentiallife, #workingmom

The Balance of Life!

Mom | Wife | Work | Home Organizer

There are many days in which I question myself on whether or not I have spent enough time with the boys; or been the wife my husband needs or wants; or if I have completed all my tasks for work; or if I finished hanging and folding the laundry; or if….

Our tasks as mom’s, wife’s, employees or just the task of sustaining ourselves can sometimes become overwhelming. Ensuring that we maintain a BALANCE between all can sometimes cause us to question ourselves all too often.

It is when this happens, that I find myself stressed causing me to not sleep well and end up exhausted and snappy – causing all of my duties and tasks to go to down the sh**ter (drain).

This is when I always stop and remember a saying my Dad once told me in my younger years – “we are all given only what we can handle” and with that “it only makes us stronger”. We need to look after ourselves to be able to “handle” all that life has to offer and just like that (not quite) – I begin to laugh and have fun with the boys, get some sleep and start the next day with a fresh mind and a motivation out of this world to go through my “to do lists” and get everything checked off.

As each day goes by, I will start to slowly tick off all items and have everything “under control” – only to be back at that point again in a couple of weeks or months! But for sure it is well worth it!

Jokes aside, I reassure you that “no one” is perfect or is organized in all aspects of life to be able to not reach this point…ever. With that being said, I do feel that I am now getting into the groove of such life and balancing act because that is essentially what “this” life is all about. Being able to balance all the juggling balls thrown your way and enjoying it along the way!

However you balance the balls thrown your way be sure to remember that however you juggle them (or even drop them) – what you are doing is marvelous!

Love Clarissa

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